After they get the hang of it, hand off the flashlight to the oldest child and go back to the party for more appetizers. Let someone 'win' by stomping on the light every once in a while, but for the most part, just keep them running, like cats with a laser pointer. Before they get there, though, move the spot to a new location. Turn on the flashlight and point it at a specific point on the ground see which kid can be the first to stomp on the circle of light. Once it's dark out, grab a flashlight and force all the kids outside.See how many bows the child can scoop onto the plate (while blindfolded) in 20 seconds. Give one of the kids a spatula and a paper plate, and then blindfold them. Reuse the bows from your Christmas present wrappings by placing them on a table.If you don't have a ball handy, make one from leftover aluminum foil or wrapping paper. Place 10 of those plastic cups on the ground and use them to bowl.Have a race to stack and unstack the cups in a specific formation. Ask the kids to stack up all the extra plastic cups you can find.75 Christmas trivia questions for kids - including answers.25 of the best Christmas movies for families.